Universal Healing Arts

Natural Awakenings Magazine
Universal Healing Arts Touching Lives
In Cortlandt Manor: “The Staff Heals On
A Physical, Mental And Spiritual Level.”

Shima Chayvet
Founder of Universal Healing Arts Center
When master healer Shima Chayvet founded Universal Healing Arts in Cortlandt Manor—branching off of an existing business, Infinite Possibilities, that offers holistic weight loss through an ancient methodology—she was not prepared for how many lives she would touch.
“Not in my wildest dreams did I imagine I would help so many with my gifts, as well as assisting others in finding theirs, by combining both modalities in this beautiful location,” she says. “The new home of Universal Healing Arts is a space with contagious positive energy. The space alone can uplift a mood, and once the healing begins, a notable transformation can and will take place.”
Universal Healing Arts offers reiki healing, reiki certification classes, reflexology, reiki circles, qigong, yin yoga classes, full moon circles, group healings with Gene Krackhel from Amazing Healer, and guest speakers who share their knowledge on health issues. It features an event room, which will hold workshops and classes focused on helping community members get in touch with their inner selves; three treatment rooms where people can come for healing sessions with licensed and certified staff; and a metaphysical shop offering books, crystals, pendulums and artwork.
“Healing. That is what happens here,” Chayvet says. “The staff heals on a physical, mental and spiritual level. Our hope is to create a healing community, a spiritual space where people can come and reconnect with themselves.”